Monday, May 13, 2013

Gearing up for distribution with Google Maps

So the task of sending spots to local stations, while seemingly straightforward, has been a bit daunting for me. Primarily because we'd like to do more than just send them by mail. Shipping every spot to a station where managers likely receive dozens everyday is not the best way to stand out.

We spent a great deal of time developing eye-catching packaging and I wanted to hand deliver each one and ideally have a scheduled meeting with each manager to explain the campaign, make a connection and gain their support. With over a dozen stations, a full-time job and only a few weeks left, I've accepted that this may not be realistic.

Using Google Maps, I was able to plot the TV stations and create a visual aid to help determine which stations to make personal visits to and which stations to just mail in the spots.

Google map of local TV stations in Los Angeles